Sunday, January 2, 2011

Craft Room Cleanup Update

Hi All, I thought I would give you an update on how my craft room is coming along. My wonderful hubby hung up 4 new shelves, and the cleanup has begun!! It seems to be going alot quicker than I thought.  I spent most of the day sorting buttons, paper, and any other embellishments that I happened upon. It looks like a couple more days, and I should be done. I can't wait to get back in there and start crafting!!  I will check in with you all tmorrow with an update!!!!  Karen


  1. When your done want to come and take care of mine? LOL!

  2. yay! congrats! cant wait to see what you create! <3

  3. I don't even want to do mine Carri, but I would be kappy to come and do yours. It is always easier to clean someone elses mess than your own. Give me a call!!! lol

  4. You are making me feel a little guilty...I straightened mine out about 3 months ago and it's back to where I sorta started at...this is a good time to jump in again with it being cold outside and my pockets empty.


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