Monday, January 3, 2011

Graduation Project

This is a gift that I made for my daughter, and all of her friends for graduation. They are made from metal tin mini lunch boxes, I decorated the front, and personalized each one for each child.  I hung a tassle onto the handle with the school color, and the year.  Then on the inside I made a mini album, with photos with each child with my child some from when they were babies through Kindergarden, elementary school, and through high school.  Then I bound the album with my Zutter, tied ribbons around the wire, and hung a charm with the year, and a diploma. They were vey easy to make, and very inexpensive, especially when you have alot of gifts to make!!                                 


  1. What a great gift to give! They will love them! They can cherish and keep it forever. They came out awesome! Great, great job!! I love the colors!

  2. hey karen! I dont know how I missed all yours posts! but I loovvee this project!! awesome job! Im sure they really appreciated them!! <3<3

  3. Cute! You're finally back and creating away! That's just too bad that you forgot to take pictures of some of your recent projects. You can always ask the folks you gave them to, to take a picture so you can share it with us here. Love it!

  4. Aww :) These are so cute! What a great gift! I'm sure it is something they will keep forever :)


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