Monday, January 24, 2011

General Update, Winners,Swaps,and Wobbles!!!

Hello Blogger Buddies!!!!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I have finished all 30 cards for the swap that I was doing over at ! You guys should really hop on over and check out their blog, they have challenges, and this past swap, and they have had some swaps previous to this one. I was kind of paniky about the swap, I was feeling good when I signed up for it, but per usual when I have a commitment, or something planned, that old Lupus rears its ugly head!! No worries, got everything done and mailed out including my 3 100 followers winners!!! Watch your mail ladies it should be there soon!  I also have to say, I got my Action Wobbles in the mail on friday, and I have to say that I LOVE them!!! I am putting them on everything!! If you have not tried them, you have no idea what you are missing!  There is nothing like a home made card of say a mushroom, except a homemade card of a mushroom with a Wobble on it!!! I have a bunch of new cards to show you all, and I am thinking that a challenge will be fun, and Serenity Scrappers has really got me wanting to do a swap. I don't know what we will do, but It will be fun!! I also want to thank the bloggers that have left me such encouraging, and thoughtful comments, you have no idea how much they mean to me. Have a great night, Karen<3


  1. Thanks for the shout out Karen!! Swaps are so much fun.. You should totally do one!! I can't wait to see everyone's cards! I know what you mean by committment.. but I felt mine went pretty smooth and it was fun!! I'm not a big card maker.. but have been trying to get a feel for it over the last few months... I do like it!!

  2. You go Karen! Sorry to hear you were feeling a bit under the weather. But were glad to see your up and going again!!! Can't wait to see all the new cards!!! <3

  3. Glad to hear that you are feeling better!! Arent those Wobbles just awesome? I got some when they did the free sample and then I also won some on a blog and just got them today. I want to order some soon!

    Just wanted to drop by your blog and say Hi!!

  4. YAY!!! Go Karen! I'll get that addy to ya and I too will be sending out 30 cards:)

  5. 30 cards? Wow, that is a lot. Congrats to you!! Sorry to hear you are not feeling the best and hope you feel better real soon. Can't wait to see the cards. Great - a challenge! Love making cards for challenges. I have learned a lot from challenges. Love your blog and all the cakes, cards, etc.

  6. you have been working hard.i hope you can post some of your projects soon but i understand not feeling well and 30 card swap.those wobbles are alot of fun i was lucky to get some samples.

  7. Thanks for the nice words, Karen, means a lot! I can't wait to see your cards, so exciting! I am going to have to go and check out these wobbles you are talking about I have never heard of them. I love learning new things, thanks!!!

  8. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I am happy to be your newest follower!



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