Friday, December 31, 2010

Craft Room Tour "Before"

Here it is, what you all have been waiting for! If you have any kind of heart condition, I think you should get the o.k. from your doctor! lol I appologize for the shaking of the camera, it is still new, and I am learning.  I hope to put th "after" up before the end of the weekend. I think if I give myself a time line I might actually get it done. So here it is! I love all of your comments, so if you have any suggestions, please let me know!! Thanks again for watching,


  1. Hey Karen,
    I don't know if I'm more jealous or more shocked. You have soooo much stuff! I wish I could come help you clean your room just so I could see & play with all your craft goodies. Looking forward to seeing the "after".

  2. Oh Karen. You got the cinch!!! We need to scrap together when you're feeling better and that room is a bit more tidy so you can find all the stuff you need. Although, it's going to get messy while you create.

    To Tami B.: Her craft room is huge and this is only but a portion of what she owns! She donated so many of her scrapbooking goods and I had the honor to check out a yard sell she had a while back. This lady was so generous. She really just gave me a bunch of stuff for free! She's so sweet. I'm jealous of the actual space of her craft room. It's like a huge office!

    Karen you can do it!!!!

  3. Karen the mess doesn't look as horrifying as I remembered it the last time. You have been cleaning! Keep going. I can't wait to see the after. Perhaps this is your new years resolution?

  4. Yes Van, It is not as bad as when you saw it, I have done some cleaning. I don't think it will be that bad to finish. We bought some more shelving that my hubby is going to hang up today. I am actually excited to get it done, now that I can video. I canlt wait to get in there and start making videos. Thanks for the support! ( You know I am always open for help) LOL I am just kidding!!

  5. You got this Karen!!! Go forth and Conquer that room!! you can do it!! yes you can!! LOL. Scrapbooking is sooo messy.. It's a fun and colorful mess I always say.. but mess.. LOL. I have a small space, so I have to be on top of it.. but.. my table does get inches and inches high with scraplies!! lol. Keep us VIDEO-updated on the project and nice filming..good job!!

  6. OMG karen! Can I come to New England and scrap with you?! Your room is amazing and you have so much fun stuff! I looovvveee that ribbon rack! Awesome! Well it looks like it wont take you long to clean up a bit! You have a lot of things already organized! Well I cant wait to see more! Great video! <3<3

  7. i would love to come and scrap with you.i could play in your craft room forever.i can come by and help clean and then mess it up after you find things you dont need after cleaning im open

  8. Trust me guys when I am done I am going to have a challenge or 2, and there will be MEGA prizes!! So make sure you get thise creative juices flowing!!

  9. Love it!! First I love all the stuff that "needs to be put away"!! Awesome 12x12 drawers and love the ribbon holder! I would so love to come and craft with you and all your fab stuff!! Can't wait to see the after!

  10. I love the ribbon holder, I am soo stealing that idea! I love seeing other folks scrap rooms, gives so much inspiration! Thanks for sharing and good job videoing it. A bit shaky like you said, but you got it girl!

  11. YOu know if I go in there and help you, I'm going to help by taking more stuff away from you. My Mia has become a hoarder and she's only three. She's collecting receipts!

  12. Mia os so cute, that she can get away with it for a few years!! I am finding though that the more I clean, the worse it looks. My mother says it has to look worse before it gets better!
    So I guess it is a good thing that I took the video before I started cleaning!! lol

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. You know Van, I was re-reading your post on my craft room, and I think the word horrifying is not quite the word I would have used. I think that is a bit harsh. Disaster area yes, looks like a bomb went off, yes, but horrifying, a bit harsh, lol

  15. Your room was very neat and impressive as the video started, then you move to another area and I see all you "lovlies" all around. You have a great room with a lot of goodies...can't wait to see final video...also saw the snow outside your window...send some our way.


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