Thursday, February 24, 2011

Secret Swap

Hi Guys, I wanted to let you all know that I have come out of my funk.  I was scrapping last night, making some things for the next craft fair that I might be in.  I do not have one lined up, but I knew that I could make some stuff using my scrapsand I could get in the zone, and not have to think to much, because most of the items I have been making for years.  Anyway, I was thinking, would anyone be interested in doing a monthly Secret Swap?  It would be something like we could set a price range, or not, and swap names which we would not know who has who, and have a theme every month, and you would have to make something for your secret swapee, pertaining to that theme.  I think it would be fun, nothing huge , high priced , or to time consuming.  You would also have the option of sending your secret swapee little care packages, ect. extra if you want.  You would also only be able to contact your swapee by putting a note in your shipment, or by snail mail to keep it a secret.  Or there is the other option we could have it not be a secret, whatever we decide, I think it would be fun.  If you think you would be interested, leave a comment, and let me know, or if you have any ideas.
Thanks, Oh and Thanks again, for all the kind thoughts from you all.  It really helped :)


  1. I think that would be so much fun! I would love to participate if you do it!

  2. Karen, I'm so glad to hear your doing better. I guess there are several of us that have been under the weather and in funkland. Illness does that.......Sending hugs your way!


  3. I'm still new to this whole crafting thing, but I think it would be fun to have a swap! Maybe it'll help inspire me to blog more, hehe..

  4. That would be great Randi! Thanks Jen, I think it will be fun Jessica!! Karen<3

  5. Would love to participate! Sounds like fun...count me in as long as it's not too expensive, too complicated, or too big! Pam N.

  6. Hey, thanks for following my blog, i'm now a follower of you...Sounds like a great idea. Hoping the way it's set up that we have a bit of time....keep us posted.

  7. I would be interested in participating as well although I cannot commit to more than a one time deal right now. Think this would be fun. Who doesn't love receiving goodies in the mail!
    Keep us posted.

  8. Hi Karen, glad you're back! I'm interested, even though I'm not quite sure I fully understand, but I'd like to know more. We make things for other people and send it to them? Keep me posted.

  9. So glad you are doing better, Karen. I would be interested for a one time swap, either secret or not, does not matter, just keep me posted.

  10. This sounds like fun, I'm interested to play!

  11. Hmm, very interesting. I would like more details. Once you have organized I would like to joined.

  12. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better and back to your wonderful ideas!! :) I love this one! Since we're in the process of buying a house (we're suppose to close on April 13th) and will be moving again, I'd have to say that I'd love to participate once all of the dust from that settles, which I figure will be anytime after May ;) So if it's still going on then, count me in! :)


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