Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Product Review Un-du Sticker, Tape, and Label remover

Hey all you Bloggers in Bloggerville, I am starting a new series over here at karens-kakes and krafts, Reviewing Products.  I have always loved reading product reviews, so I thought, I love to try new products, and I test products at my Creative Home Arts Club, where I am a life member. I recommend joining, it is a great place to learn new crafts, talk about your crafts ect. anyway, let me stick to the point.  So, I recently found out that there are some of you papercrafters, that have no idea what Un-du is. To me, someone who will not craft without it, that was shocking!! Un-du, is a liquid, that when you put it on top of paper, or photos that you accidentally stuck together, and you think that you have wrecked, or the card that you have been working on for 20 mins, or the scrapbooking page that was almost finished,  and you think that you have to start all over, or try to figure a way to fix it, well now you don't.  In this video you will see how it works, and why I can't live without it! The price for this ranges between $7-$10 and totally worth every penny!!  Please let me know what you think, and if you would be interested in seeing more product reviews.  Thanks, Karen<3


  1. OMG! I am gonna have to get this. WOW!!! I wonder if HL has it. I don't have a Michaels near me.


  2. Thanks so much for the review. Being so new to scrapbooking and card making I know I was completely overwhelmed and still am at all the products out there. I will have to pick some up :)
    Thanks again

  3. Great product...I have heard lots about it before from my sister in law. Now...I am going to have to get some for myself. May come in handy.
    Thanks for the video on it!

  4. Hi girls, I know that Joann.com has it, and then you could use a coupon!!! Karen<3

  5. I have finished up my first bottle of this and am working on a second one. I can't imagine scrapping without it. I highly recommend it!


  6. I have this (was lucky enough to find it a long time ago at WalMart). I have never used it on my photos but I love to use it to clean goo off of my scrap table and especially to clean my Cricut spatula and my scissors! I will use it next time I have an oops on my scrapping projects!

  7. Hi Karen, haven't visited for a while, been pretty busy. I revamped my craft room, and will be posting some pictures soon. About the un-du, I totally agree with you. I wouldn't be without it. What I have is actually called Scrappers Solution, but guess who it's made by? un-du!! I just looked at the bottle and saw that. I think I originally got mine at Michael's too, and couldn't find it at Joann's when I looked recently. Can't believe how you can put it right on the picture and it won't hurt it. Great stuff!

  8. thanks for the video.cool project will have to check it out.how does it work on your ciruct mat?

  9. I forgot about that, I take my mat, and squirt some on. Then you put the cover on, (That is VERY important!!!) If you don't put the cap on all of your Un-Du will spill all over the mat, and then you will be sad, because it will be gone, I have been there, you don't want to go there, trust me. O.K. I have collected myself. Where were we? Oh yes. After the cap is on, there is a scraper on the back, it is black, and you use that and start in one sections, figure like there are 4 sections and do 1 at a time, and scrape all the sticky stuff that has paper and gunk, and scrape it all off, and when it dries, it will ge sticky again, but with all the paper and gunk in it. If you have a problem, let me know. Karen<3

  10. Hi Karen! Thanks for the review. I can't wait to get this to save me some time :). By the way, for the hop I most likely will be making a card or might get messy making something with mod podge :D! I am really backed up with my projects lately so I have to hurry and get crafting before Saturday lol! I am also working on making something to join your challenge :)!!


  11. Hey Karen - just like over at SS tool week, we take a tool and let everyone see how it works. Blogs are a wonderful way share crafting ideas!


  12. It is so much fun to share product ideas.. It does save us time on buying the wrong stuff. And time trying to use it correctly. This stuff really is amazing! And great tip about using your coups!! Never enter a craft store without your coups!! It is worth every penny for sure. Don't scrap without it..

  13. Comming back over to chant for you to win a challenge. LOL I read your comment on my blog.. too funny. Here's your chant. Go karen Go.. Go Karen go... Win that challenge..win that challenge.. Gooooooooo Karen! LOl Hope it helps!! We are taking like 4 classes at CK. A copics class.. an acrylic book class.. and two others I forget. I cannot WAIT!!!

  14. Karen,
    Thanks I will have to get some of this. I have nut jars that we buy with nuts in them at Walmart. I think they are great for storage containers for craft items. I am always having fits taking of the labels. Would this work for that. The jars are plastic.......
    E-Mail: davidbayles@sprintmail.com.............

  15. This works great for Labels pricetags,(you cant believe how much easier Christmas is with a bottle of un-do!! Karen<3

  16. Holy camoly how have I not heard about this product?!! I absolutely have to get some of that!
    And yes yes yes, I think product reviews are an awesome idea! :)

  17. I don't know how I missed this original post. I kept wondering what Un-do was & now I know. I will definitely be on the look out for this jewel. I think the company should put you on the payroll as a spokesperson. Better yet, you can do infomercials for them just like your tutorial.


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