Friday, February 18, 2011

Horrible Day!!

I was having a horrible day to begin with, just not feeling well, and then to my horror, my son yelled up from the basement, that there was water on the floor down there!! True to his word, I ran down there to find, well let me back up by saying that you all know that in my video I have alot of supplies, but what you don't know is that I also store some things in my basement, which brings me to the horror of the water.  The boxes that were sitting in the water, were, yup, you guessed it, my craft supplies!  I am a touch on the devestated side,  I am on my way back down to try and rescue more, just thought I would update you all!  Karen<3


  1. OMG Karen, I hope that you can salvage most if not all of it. Hopefully the things in the bottom of the box will be in some type of wrapping or plastic. *hugs*

  2. Ohhhh my...bless your heart!!! I would be so devastated too!!!

  3. Bless your heart! I hope its not too bad & that you can rescue most of it. I have a feeling there's gonna be a lot of stuff laying out all over your house drying out tonight. My fingers are crossed that it's not as bad as you think.

  4. Oh I am so sorry!!! I hope they arent your best crafting supplies!! Please keep us updated!!!

  5. oh No! I hope you can salvage some stuff! Days like this are the worst! please keep us updated...

  6. Oh, Karen, I hope you can save your stuff. That's really the pits. Good luck with everything. Deep breath.

  7. Ack! Hopefully it's not too bad and some things can be salvaged... or it's a good excuse to go shopping? :P

  8. So sad!! My heart feels for you! I always tell my girls paper and water do not mix! Keep us posted!!

  9. Oh Karen!! I'm so sorry! I hope your supplies are ok. Keep us updated!:)Patti

  10. Oh, Karen, that is HORRIBLE!! I am so sorry. What a sad thing!!
    I hope your day goes better tomorrow.

  11. Karen so sorry to hear about your bad day. Praying that there is some way to salvage all of your supplies.

  12. Oh NOOOOOOO!!! This is terrible news, Karen! I hope you were able to rescue a large portion of your supplies. I know that I would just sit down and cry if that happened to me but I guess in the end, there's nothing to do but pick up the pieces (literally) and go on. We don't have basements here but I do keep some of my stuff in my garage. Thankfully, most of it is in plastic tubs, just in case. Try a blow drier and warm iron on pieces that are special to you.

  13. Not good news! That would be enough for me to adopt a pigeon and start my career as a crazy bird lady! I hope you find the damage was less than expected. HUGS!

  14. Oh no! This is horrible! I'm so paranoid about my crafting supplies that when I go on vacation, I pack them up and take them to my mother in law's house! I can sympathize so much!

  15. Oh I'm So sorry about your supplies. I just went through all of mine and I have so dang much, I would love to send you some....just email me ur addy and I'll send you a CARE package. I hope you get it all cleaned up..yikes!

  16. Ohhhh no! That is not so good...I sure hope you are able to save most of it~if not all of it.
    A big hug your way..

  17. Hey Karen, It's Monday afternoon & I was just thinking about you. Give us an update on how things are when you get a chance. (Hope everything's OK.)

  18. What a terrible thing to have happened! Sorry :((

  19. Hello Karen~ I am so sad to learn of your situation. I had a flood back in October of 2009 and it was devastating. I lost a lot of photos & memorabilia of my girls. We still have not gotten the basement back the way it was. I am truly sorry and know exactly how you feel. I hope you are able to salvage your stuff. My thought are with you. Keep us posted.
    Take care, Sonia

  20. OMG Karen, I'm so sorry to hear about that!! I hope you are able to salvage your craft supplies. Yes, keep us posted.


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