Saturday, March 19, 2011

My undercover Work!!!

Hi All.
I was recently on a blog that I love to go to, and she tried an experiment.  She often gives away free Digital Stamps, and she felt that people were coming to her blog just to get her free stamps.  So she Put up a free stamp, and gave a free extra stamp, but she didn't tell anyone that they were getting an extra freebie. The only way to get, or know about the extra freebie was to read the entire post, and then leave a comment. Anyway, she found that more than half of the people came just for the free stamp.  So I decided to try it, because I was kinda sad about the lack of participation in my last challenge, and I wondered if it were about the blog candy, because it was un-du, and a lot of people do not really know what it is.  So I was in a blog hop this weekend and I decided to try it out. I wasn't going to post a picture of my blog candy, I was going to show it at the end of my video.  I also told people that I didn't want them to follow unless they liked my work/blog and wanted to follow.  I got 20 comments on my blog for the hop, and 7 followers.  I checked the other girls that were in the hop, and found that the ones that had a picture of blog candy had around 50 comments.  The ones that had no visible candy about 10, so I guess I got my answer. So thank you to those of you that read my blog, and watched my video, for you are the lucky ones, because you all have have a 1 in 20 chance of winning some awesome candy, Peachy Keen awesome stamps. I really want to thank my regular followers, you are the best, and for those of you who liked the video, and the blog, and left your awesome comments, and those of you that became a follower because you wanted to, I also thank you.  I will probably do the drawing on Monday.  Thanks againfor those of you that took the time to watch. comment, and follow karen<3


  1. Karen,

    You are so funny! You do great P.I. Work! Sadly it is true!

    You know I always read your posts LOL!

    Crafty Hugs!

  2. So sorry that has happened...but it does. Trust me I know... Sorry I missed the hop.
    Best wishes always, Karen. You are great and your giveaways are thoughtful!

  3. Great work Karen :)
    That is usually what people are after is the blog candy...they really don't care about our creations which is sad. :(
    Sorry I don't visit a lot, but its so hard to keep up with so many blogs and takes a lot of time to comment on everyone's blog. I do love your creations and wouldn't say that if I didn't mean it so keep up the great work and don't get discouraged. I know there are many people out there that I'm sure we inspire with our work. :)
    Have a great weekend!

  4. lol... I love this! I always try my best to leave comments on every single person's blog that participates in a hop. Sometimes I don't end up getting all the way through a hop and that is usually the only time I might not get to commenting. I completely missed the music hop. I've only mananged to get through one complete hop this week due to all the stuff I've had going on getting ready for our school auction. I love blog hopping, but sometimes there are just too darn many of them going on at once. I need more time in the day!

  5. To funny...but how true it is. Myself I love to comment and wish their were a few more that were the same as me. I love reading the comments people leave for me. I will say you had me scared that I didn't comment,thatmaybe I had missed the hop but I was #1, fingers crossed that you pick me! LOL! Have a great weekend!

  6. Hey Karen, I don't think it helped any that some of the stops on the hop didn't have their posts,and poor you, you were the last stop. But you're right, most people just want candy. I enjoy your posts and sometimes I feel I comment too much. So if I do, sorry.

  7. I just wanted to mention that I don't generally watch the videos at the time I post. I generally get to check reader when my hubby and I watch tv and have to wait to watch videos later. I do however enjoy reading the blog posts. Just wanted to let you know that some of us read and follow even when we don't get a chance to watch the videos.
    I found your blog recently from a hop and follow it in reader. I enjoy it.

  8. I hate to say, I am not to good about commenting. SOmetimes I just don't know what to say. I love free digi's and blog candy, but I also am addicted to blog following. I love to read what is going on with people and the fun stuff they are doing and creating. My hubby says he is a blog widow, hehe. My computer sits on my work desk and its not placed the easiest to type on either, but I know that is not a very good excuse. I found you thru blog candy I believe, but love reading stuff on your blog, so thank you. I would never unfollow after the drawing. I hope this makes some sense to you. I started with free digi's and I spend more $$ on digi's now than coffee and thats ALOT. So remember you do make a difference, and are appriciate, really

  9. I love a challenge! The blog candy is neither here nor there to me! If it is a challenge theme that I think will fit my scrapbook albums if I make a layout, then I am in :-)

    Keep up all the great creations! I am a follower because I want to be :-)

  10. Hi Karen ... I love a good blog hop but just hate it when there are those who agree to post and then simply forget. That leaves it hard to find those toward the tail end of the hop. To make it easier to link back, I usually open one window to, which I manage, that lists all of the hop stops in order.

    ...and yup, hops are all about the candy. Winning sometimes makes the long hours of sitting at the computer worthwhile. HOWEVER, when crafters put a lot of work into their project, it DOES show and a GREAT IDEA is worth its weight in blog candy, don't you think?

    I try to follow along on non-hop days by using my Blogger post manager tool, but sometimes, well, there just aren't enough hours in the day!

    Keep craftin' ... and smiling!

    Ellen ♥ CardMonkey

  11. I think you are in the wrong field. You should have been a detective! Too funny. Alot of people do love the blog candy. Sometimes that is what it is all about.

    I did love your video!


  12. Great work! That is sad. I love the idea at the end of the video ~ I just don't like my voice so I don't do them! May just have to start!!!
    Do you such awesome, creative things!
    Thanks again for sharing your creations and PI work!
    Bunny Vance

  13. Karen,

    I know how you feel. I have thought that same thing. This last blog hop I was in with you and I got less comments than most, and I know it's because I didn't have any blog candy to give away. That just show that the people that come to visit actually come visit for the projects! Its better to have a few people that like your work than a million people who just "use" you!

    Sorry this happened!! I am a follower of your blog and I really like your work! You do an amazing job!!


  14. i like reading your blog because you are funny karen.and the videos you stared doing recently i love watching.

  15. Thanks guys for all the love, I know this is something that we all go through, I know that I am not alone. Carri, You were the first to share the love to me when I had just started my blog, Tammy, I love all you comments, they are always encouraging, Jen, I always appreciate your comments, and I know how hard it is to visit every blog every day, I hear you Melissa, and the hop is still open ti Monday,LOL Jenny, You are safe!! You are right Tami, that is frustrating,I also do the same thing Bunny, I like to do it when I can sit by myself,Jenny, I think we all love candy, and free digi's, but a little love once in a while is nice,Carlene, thank you<3 I just recently stopped requesting that people follow me to win the candy, but I would rather people that want to come back,Ellen, I am going to post that address on my blog, if it is o.k.Great idea,Laurie, you just always make me laugh.Bunny, thanks again, Jillian did an awesome job, and I hope everyone checks out her new stamp,Ashley, I agree, I don't care about the follower numbers, and I would rather have 2 then have 200 who just want some stuff! Thank You all so much!! I appreciate all you comments, and all of YOUR GREAT WORK, karen<3

  16. Great PI work~love it! Looking forward to more projects. (sorry really behind on everyone's comments-Spring Break here for my kiddos, so it's been family time). TFS

  17. Keep up the good work. I try to check my fave blogs every day snd attend hops as often as I can.But life gets in the way, you know. Blog candy is so sweet and I have won once out of 10 blogs. It was a nice prize, but the inspiration and ideas I gleaned was priceless. I truly appreciate the hard work that goes into these things. Thank you for feeding my habit.

  18. What a bummer! I hope you don't let yourself get too discouraged. I don't always have time to participate in these blog hops, but I love reading your posts on Google reader. You have a wonderful blog and great talent! Keep up the good work!

    Snoopy :D

  19. Hi Karen, I love your PI work! and I love reading your posts you always put a smile on my face as I'm reading you post! I'm sorry I missed your blog hop but love when people do videos because I can appreciate the time it takes to put a video up! I've done some and have not put them up either because I can't edit or I don't like the way I sound LOL!! I do try to visit old post and comment at a later time if I missed any projects!! I agree with one of the ladies above who said not to get discouraged and just do your wonderful creations!! We love your blog and that is why I'm a follower!!
    Many Hugs,

  20. Inspector Karen! I didnt participate in your Undo Challenge because I missed seeing it. I always try to comment on blog hops even when the person doesnt offer candy. I dont go to the hops for candy...I go to see what they have created. It always makes me sad when along the hop, the ones that offer nice candy have 50 replies and then another participant doesnt offer and they have less than 10 comments. I check my blogger updates daily and I go comment on them when they have made something that interests me or if they are having a bad day or if they have cute photos. After all, isnt that why I am a follower? I love visiting you and cant wait to try another challenge on your blog!!

  21. This post made me so sad :( I truly did watch your video and loved your box! I always try to comment on every post in a blog hop because I know how much work goes into them. Just wanted you to know that there are those of us who do care about the projects! Thanks so much for bringing awareness to your observations! Hope you feel better soon :)

    Tiffany -


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