Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hello my Crafty Creative Comrads

Hey guys, I am here to let you know that I have got a ton of emails about the swap. You guys have a lot of great ideas.  I will have to sit down and write everything down and see what is doable and what isn't.  I started to do that last night, but then at about 1a.m. in my infinite wisdom, decided to do some of the switching that I started of my wooden stamps to acrylic.  People, do not attempt this at 1:00 in the morning, especially after taking Ambien.  Sleeping pills and crafting, do not mix!! As I look at the disaster that I see before me this morning, I can not fully explain, the upside down,backwards,colossal mess that is spread out in front of me.  There is wood everywhere, foam stuck to my dogs,ink pads upside down on my carpet, I am amazed of the lack of anything that can be made out of this disaster!! So friends, I caution you, stamps and Ambien don't mix.  Do not sleep and craft.  I am sending that in as a new slogan to send out to all the schools, I think it will save crafting supplies everywhere, before it is too late!! Oh on the exciting side of things, The wonderful people over at un-du have generously sent me some bottles of un-du to give out to you guys!!!! I am going to have to think of a good challenge so you guys can win some of this liquid gold!! Do not laugh my friends, when you start using this stuff, you will all be running out to get yourselves a safe to keep this in, and you will be lying to your crafting buddies telling then "oh I wish I could lend it to you, but I am all out" I LOVE IT!!!!! The next product that I will be reviewing is from Xyron, it is a very under estimated tool that doesn't get the credit that it deserves!!  I don't know if I should tell you, or save it for a surprise????? Hmmmm.Yeah, I think that I will surprise you with what it is.  I will try and get it done before I go away for the night to, I know, please ladies, keep calm,  BON JOVI!!!!!!!! In case Jon decides to ask me to leave my husband, children,dogs, and yes ladies, crafting buddies, I will try and get it done so you will have something to remember me by!  I do have an extra ticket, if anyone will be in the area of Mohegan Sun on Friday night. O.k. ladies, I am off to use my un-du to get the stamping disaster of last night off the ceiling!! I hope you all have a great day, and make sure to watch for the challenge to win some UN-DU!!!!! karen<3


  1. SHE'S BACKKKKK!!!!! Hello Karen. That's just what I needed to hear. Good ole' Karen with one of her Random Rants. You're crazy lady, and I LOVE IT!! I finally found a bottle of UnDu just last week at ACMoore. My Michael's and Joann's don't carry it for some reason. So it really is so valuable, like a precious metal. It's as good as GOLD!! Have a great day Karen, and please do send Jon my love. I wish I could join you!!--Pat N.

  2. Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by the Spring Fever Blog Hop - I hope you enjoyed looking around!


  3. You are one funny lady. Glad you're back at the top of your game making us all laugh. Whatever you do, you better at least post a pic of you with Jon for all the rest of us to see. Have fun!

  4. HeHeHe...you make me laugh! Have a good day :)

  5. Too, too funny! I will keep your advice in mind!

  6. Welcome back Lady! Your post today made me laugh because once I caught up on domestic duties last night, I sat down at midnight to play with all the goodies I received from you and the project was a mess.

    Thank you again for the wonderful prizes! I love them all.


  7. Hi, just found your blog, have become a follower, don't know if i'm too late but i would love to participate in the swap, hugs, Sarah x

  8. Hi Karen and welcome back!! OMG!! hilarious post loved it:)I've used un-do and you are so right LOVE this product!!I hope you got the catalogs:)Keep me posted:)

  9. Your post today gave me a *chuckle*. I keep hearing about this un-do stuff...I will have to keep a look out for it.
    Have a wonderful evening!


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