Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daisy Update!!!!

Hi All, I thought I would give you an update on Daisy's condition.  I got so many emails and well wishes on my blog from you guys for Daisy, and I want to Thank You all.  Anyone who has a pet knows just how I felt.   When they are hurt, or sick, you feel just like they are one of your children.  Before I got my dogs, I used to hear people talk about their dogs like they were their children, and I used to think that they were crazy!! I mean my sister for example would leave my parents house right after Christmas dinner to go and check on her dog, because he had been left alone for a couple of hours, and she didn't want her to be lonely.  I used to think that this was ridiculous, I just couldn't believe that I had to wait for my chocolate cream pie, because my sister had to go and "check" on the dog.  I mean, what did she think was going to happen?  The dog would end up with abandonment issues, and he would end up therapy?  I mean really, and then we got our first dog Cocoa.  She was given to us by a guy that works for my husband, because she scared his little girl.  Now keep in mind that we had 3 little kids at the time. My Amanda was 7, Kevin was 5, and my Jason was 3, and my husband brings home a dog that scares some other guys 5 year old.  So I am not that thrilled with this dog coming to my nice clean house, no dog hair,no dog smell, no dog toys, and definitely no dog food smell!! So when he called me and "told" me that he was bringing her home, to say that I was not to thrilled was an understatement.  So, he walks through the door, now let me just say, that my husband always referred to this dog as a puppy, and when someone says the word puppy to you, well at least to me, I think tiny, little, Yorkie size puppy.  He walks through the door with this HUGE cage, and in the cage is what looked like at the time a  HORSE!!  Anyway, my kids were thrilled, they were jumping up and down, screaming and yelling, pushing each other out of the way, and going crazy, it was like someone let all the people in the Asylum out!! At that time I looked at the dog, and she was cowering in the corner, shaking, and I think that if dogs could cry, there would have been tears!!  Anyway, to make a long story short(I know, can you believe it, but I have to keep reminding myself that this is my "CRAFTING" blog) I was the one who slept on the kitchen floor for 2 weeks so she wouldn't be afraid at night, and I was the one who said that she didn't have to sleep in the crate anymore, and I was the one who let her sleep on the couch, and yes, "I" was the one who thought that she needed a sister..... So off we went to find her a sister, was I crazy?  Along came Daisy!!! My sweet little (yes I said little) Daisy was home.  From the first day, Cocoa was afraid of Daisy, it was like that dirst day all over again, she was shaking in the corner. (we think that she needs puppy Prozac) but then, they couldn't be separated, they were together all the time, and I turned into .......a pet owner, I worried when they were alone, I cried when they got "fixed" and I worry as if they were one of my children when they are sick, so you can imagine when Daisy was having diareah all over the house, and I saw that she had thrown up chicken bones, I almost passed out! So if you don't have a pet, and you see some crazy person on the street talking to their dog, just think, It could be you........


  1. loved your story.tfs.hope she gets better mom always says my dogs are better than people.because they are just loving and caring.

  2. I knOw EXACTLY how you feel!! I thought the same thing about people and thier pets, Now I have one of my own and let me tell you.... The feeling is unreal! Anyways, I Love your story but, I wasnt clear on how Daisy is doing. I could be blind, but.....LOL Im going to read it again. Maybe I missed it? Well, I hope she is feeling better. ((( Hugs to you and Miss Daisy))))

  3. Ok so now I know i'm not crazy there are others out there like me. You can tell animals your secrets and they won't tell a soul. They love you unconditionaly. I hope that Daisy feels better soon. Love your story it made me smile.
    Thank you for sharing.

  4. LOL You guys are funny!! Er could start a cult!! Yes Daisy is fine, she is back to her lazy self. As for my rugs, that is another story. I used my Bissel rug cleaner all day. (I don't know if you guys have ever used a rug cleaner on your rugs before, but rugs that you think are clean, well lets just say it is shocking the color of the water reminds me why I am always yelling at my kids about no shoes in the house!) Anyway you can still see the faint sign of the stains, so if anyone knows a miracle rug cleaner, please share! Oh the picture of Daisy is her normal position 23 hours of the day! karen<3

  5. Hope Daisy gets to feeling better soon. I know exactly what you mean. I slept on the floor with our Spike when he was brought home till he quit crying at night for his mommy. They are just like one of the kids.

  6. Karen thanks for sharing your story and I am so glad Daisy is back to herself. I have a 12 year old siamese cat named Moon..he thinks his name is "Mama's boy a bad kitty" LOL. Good luck with the rug!

  7. Yay!! So happy to hear that Daisy is back to normal! :) I've gotta ask though, what is the breed of your first dog? (the one that looked like a horse as a puppy?)


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