Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I can't ever keep a secret!! (scroll down for the challenge)

Hey guys!! Do you guys remember my Halloween Tree?  Well I really plan on it being a all around the year tree!! I am making one for me, and one for my Great Aunt Nellie! (yes, that is her real name) anyway, I also plan on trying to only use old burnt out light bulbs to do it. Well I am working on Christmas right now, and I love these ornaments, They are sooooo cute!! There is Santa, a Snowman, and Rudolph!! I have been trying not to show them till my challenge is over, but I want to show them NOW!! I still have the finishing the little touches, but I really can't control myself!! It wouldn't hurt if I just showed a little peek, would it??? Oh I don't know what to do, I have always been like this. If I buy a present more than 1 week before the occasion, I just give it to the person, and go out and buy another one.  I bought my daughter a ring, and we were going to give it to her for her 16th birthday, my parents did the same thing, they bought all of us girls (they had 5 of us) our birthstones for our 16th birthday, so I wanted to do it for my Amanda.  Well I was watching QVC one day and they had these beautiful 14carat gold birthstone rings with little diamonds on the side, so I bought it. The problem was, she was 14.  Now I told myself over and over that I could wait, when I told Paul, my hubby, he just rolled his eyes at me. I got so mad, and told him how wrong he was, and this time I was going to do it. Well the ring came about 2 weeks later, and it was 3 days that I held out, and gave her the ring! (she loved it though) I also did that when I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I went to the doctor, cause I thought I had a UTI, and they asked me if I was pregnant, and I said not that I know of, after a test, they said "you're pregnant, Congratulations" I was so excited, but I said to myself on the way to my mothers house that I wasn't going to tell her, because I wanted to tell Paul first, I got to my mothers, I pulled in the drive way, went into the house, and said "I'm PREGNANT!!!" then I said "SHOOT" Well, I was going to wait till I saw Paul to tell him, so I am at my mothers, and I say, I am just gonna call Paul, and ask him what time he was coming home, my mother looked at me, and just shook her head, so I said"WHAT" and she said nothing, nothing, so to prove her wrong, I called him, he picked up the phone, and said hello, and I said, "I'M PREGNANT" oh well, I tried. So after writing this, I will be taking pictures and putting them up tomorrow. Next time I will tell you the story about when I found out the 2nd time I was pregnant. Let me just say that I got stopped for speeding on the way home from the doctors, my mother, nor Paul were the first to know, and I didn't get a ticket!!  haha  Karen♥


  1. Oh girl, they say laughter is good for the soul, so everyone around you must be very happy (and very entertained) people. Your posts are just so much fun. Can not wait to see the ornaments!

  2. HeHe! I do not have your problem! I bought something special for my daughter when she was born... ten years ago, still have it sitting in my drawer waiting for just the right time LOL! Now my Mom on the other hand would wake us up in the middle of the night to tell us Santa came because she could not stand to see those unopened presents under the tree!

  3. You certainly make me laugh, Karen! Great story!--Pat

  4. OMG you are too funny!! I love your story and I have to say I am alittle like that myself when it comes to buying gifts for my boys. I have to really really try and hold out~sometimes it works....most often not :)
    Thanks for sharing :)

  5. OMG This is just to funny. You and my mom are the same cant hold water if you had to. Can't wait to see what you come up with!


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