Friday, November 25, 2011

Hi Everyone!!!!!

Hi guys, I hope that you all had a wonderful day yesterday!! I know I did, and I am still full!! I wanted to share with you this dessert that my daughter Amanda found online the other day, and thought that it would be a really cute dessert for the kids.  We changed it up a little from the original.  I wish I had taken the picture right after I made them, but I forgot, so I just took the picture this morning.  They look a little sad today, but trust me yesterday they looked really cute!!  They are little Pilgrim hats. The original recipe called for chocolate cookies, but we decided to use brownies.  We made the brownie batter, and spread it out pretty thin, but not to thin, on the cookie sheet, the we used a drinking glass to cut circles out, for the base of the hat, We then took mini Reeses peanut butter cups, we used 1 whole one, and 1 1/2 one and stacked them on top of each other, we then took some peanut butter and used it to "glue" the peanut butter cups on top of the brownie.  Then we took a tube of yellow frosting, and made the buckle and the trim around the base of the peanut butter cups for the band and the buckle of the hat.  They were cute{before they sat around} and the kids loved them, they were easu to make, and who doesn't like chocolate and peanutbutter!!! Here is the picture, and if any of you made some kind of cute food item, or some cute decorations, please share with us, we would love to see them!!, Karen♥



  1. Yummy I have brownie mix. I see some baking going on. I’m having my coffee right now & this would be nice with the brownies. Thanks for sharing.

  2. These are super cute. They look yummy too. My daughter loves to make brownie pops.

    Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.
    Carson's Creations

  3. They make cute pilgrim hats, Karen! Bet the kids loved them. We had a nice dinner and day too. Still two more days left in the weekend! Yea!--Pat

  4. Yum! These look super yummy!

  5. What a fun idea. So darn cute and you are right who doesn't love chocolate and peanut butter.

    Happy Thanksgiving!



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