Hi Everyone, now that Thanksgiving is over, I will be getting all of my shipments out this week!! So Carri, and A J and Julie, and if I get that last payment from Drew, I would be happy to get that out also!!
Monday, November 28, 2011
Shipments going out this week!!
Friday, November 25, 2011
Hi Everyone!!!!!
Hi guys, I hope that you all had a wonderful day yesterday!! I know I did, and I am still full!! I wanted to share with you this dessert that my daughter Amanda found online the other day, and thought that it would be a really cute dessert for the kids. We changed it up a little from the original. I wish I had taken the picture right after I made them, but I forgot, so I just took the picture this morning. They look a little sad today, but trust me yesterday they looked really cute!! They are little Pilgrim hats. The original recipe called for chocolate cookies, but we decided to use brownies. We made the brownie batter, and spread it out pretty thin, but not to thin, on the cookie sheet, the we used a drinking glass to cut circles out, for the base of the hat, We then took mini Reeses peanut butter cups, we used 1 whole one, and 1 1/2 one and stacked them on top of each other, we then took some peanut butter and used it to "glue" the peanut butter cups on top of the brownie. Then we took a tube of yellow frosting, and made the buckle and the trim around the base of the peanut butter cups for the band and the buckle of the hat. They were cute{before they sat around} and the kids loved them, they were easu to make, and who doesn't like chocolate and peanutbutter!!! Here is the picture, and if any of you made some kind of cute food item, or some cute decorations, please share with us, we would love to see them!!, Karen♥
Thanksgiving dessert
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Hey All, I would like to announce the winner of my Fall challenge!!!! She is ........ A J from
A J Scrapbooking & Cards http://www.anjenicgibson.blogspot.com/ and A.J. has won Cricut Fun Vol 1 from My Pink Stamper!!! (and you know me, there will be a couple of extra goodies in the box) So A.J. if you could send me your address I will get this out to you!! I will also be sending Carri from http://www.doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com/ her Cricut Cartridge that she won by filling me in on the (Secret) for setting up the Linkie thing. So Congratulations Girls. I will try to get those out by Friday!! I will also be making another video, because I got my Cricut Mini Yesterday!!!!! I did do a video yesterday, and I opened the box together with you, and we were all excited, but something happened with the making of it, and when I went to post it was gone and all was lost. :( So we will try again, but it just wont be the same, as the first time, but it will stull be fun!! I can say though, that on T.V. they kept saying that it was light, it is 5lbs, but it REALLY,REALLY is light, it is wonderful!! So I will try to do that later today!! Congrats again to A.J., and Carri!!! Karen♥ I Hope You All Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
A J Scrapbooking & Cards http://www.anjenicgibson.blogspot.com/ and A.J. has won Cricut Fun Vol 1 from My Pink Stamper!!! (and you know me, there will be a couple of extra goodies in the box) So A.J. if you could send me your address I will get this out to you!! I will also be sending Carri from http://www.doubleclickconnections.blogspot.com/ her Cricut Cartridge that she won by filling me in on the (Secret) for setting up the Linkie thing. So Congratulations Girls. I will try to get those out by Friday!! I will also be making another video, because I got my Cricut Mini Yesterday!!!!! I did do a video yesterday, and I opened the box together with you, and we were all excited, but something happened with the making of it, and when I went to post it was gone and all was lost. :( So we will try again, but it just wont be the same, as the first time, but it will stull be fun!! I can say though, that on T.V. they kept saying that it was light, it is 5lbs, but it REALLY,REALLY is light, it is wonderful!! So I will try to do that later today!! Congrats again to A.J., and Carri!!! Karen♥ I Hope You All Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Video on Light Bulb Ornaments
Hi guys, I just wanted to let you know that I just finished my video on making light bulb ornaments. I kaven't watched it yet, so I have no idea how it is. You guys will have to let me know if I skould delete it because it stinks or not. I am counting on you. So here it is!!!!!!
Video Tutorial
Monday, November 21, 2011
Black Friday Sale!!!
Hey guys, I just saw the ad for Walmart, for Black Friday, and they have the Cricut Imagine on sale for, are you ready for this???? The Cricut Imagine with 2 yes 2 Imagine Cartridges, for ...... $187.00 !!!!! Can you believe that???? I have never seen it for under $200.00 and that was without the cartridges!! It didn't say which cartridges it came with, but I just think that is incredible. I thought that I would share that info with you, and I will keep adding info for black Friday as I get it. Please feel free to add any info for black Friday with a comment, or email, if you wish to share!! Good luck to all that have this on their list, for anyone, or (for themselves, I will be speaking to Santa, within the next few weeks, and I would be happy to let him know anything else that is on your list!!) Karen♥
Black Friday
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I was given an award from Olga at THREEBUTTERFLYKISSES!!!
Hi Everyone, I was so surprised and happy to have been given this award from Olga at THREEBUTTERFLYKISSES.blogspot.com !! She does suck great work, and her sister Norma at pinkblingcrafter.blogspot.com is another one of my Favorite crafters, and my personal Stampin Up consultant. I guess she is not JUST my personal consultant, but I buy from her!! I hope you all go and check out Olga, and Normas blogs, you won't be disappointed!! Now onto the award, I am supposed to do a list of things, so
The criteria for this Award, "Tag you're it!" is:
1. Post the button
2. Tell 10 things about yourself
3. Tag 5 blogger’s
Here are my 10 things about me:
1. I love crafting, any and all kinds.
2. I care way to much about what people think about me.
3. My 20 yr old daughter Amanda is my best friend.
4. I love to make people laugh.
5. I wish I had half the talent of all you guys.
6. I have 2 fur babies, Cocoa, and Daisy!!
7. I suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Colitis.
5. I wish I had half the talent of all you guys.
6. I have 2 fur babies, Cocoa, and Daisy!!
7. I suffer from Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Colitis.
8. In April, my husband Paul and I will have been married for 25 years. ( I got married at the age of 12)
9. I have insomnia so bad, that I actually sleep 30 hours a week.
10. I am addicted to t.v. There is nothing i wont watch, except horror movies.
http://patsscraps.blogspot.com - Pat
http://chick-n-scrap.blogspot.com -Jessica
http://serentityscrappers.blogspot.com - Laurie, Kel, and Dawn
There are at least 200 more of you that I would love to pass this along to, but I can't wait to read all about the 5 I have listed, and I hope you all check them out, and give them some love. Thanks again Olga, I really appreciate you thinking of me. ♥
Blog Awards
Friday, November 18, 2011
Light bulb Projects Scroll down for Challenge!!!!
Hey Gang,
I have gotten a few requests for a video on how to make the light bulb ornaments. I am wondering if that is something that anyone would be interested in seeing, and if you would, which one would you be interested in seeing. I would be happy to make a video, but I just wanted to find out which one you would like to see. If you are interested in seeing a video, leave a comment on this post, or if you think that you would be interested in a Ustream, that way we could do it together, or at least we could chat and go over step by step. I got a lot of emails about the penguin, which is the newest one that I did, but he seems to be the one evey one loves. So leave me a comment, and we will figure it all out! Thanks, Karen♥
I have gotten a few requests for a video on how to make the light bulb ornaments. I am wondering if that is something that anyone would be interested in seeing, and if you would, which one would you be interested in seeing. I would be happy to make a video, but I just wanted to find out which one you would like to see. If you are interested in seeing a video, leave a comment on this post, or if you think that you would be interested in a Ustream, that way we could do it together, or at least we could chat and go over step by step. I got a lot of emails about the penguin, which is the newest one that I did, but he seems to be the one evey one loves. So leave me a comment, and we will figure it all out! Thanks, Karen♥
Light Bulb Projects
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Challenge Time!! Fall Card or Project
Make a Fall card or project. You must be a follower, leave a comment, and if you put my blog blinkie of your blog you will get 2 extra entries.
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(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
Hey everyone, thanks to Carri at Doubleclickconnections.com We now have a linkie thing!!! Unfortunately, when I was following her excellent directions, I messed up, and my original post was erased. So the info of the challenge are here, and what is missing is a bunch of babbleing so no great loss! Because Carri taught me how to do the linkie thingie, she gets to choose one of the cartridges that I listed in the newest post! Congratulations Carri, and THANKS!!! So get to work people, I will get in touch with everyone who has already entered the challenge so they can link their project. Karen♥
Crazy Day!! Scroll down for Challenge!
Hi guys, I have been laying kinda low lately, cause I hurt my back, and I am so mad, cause I have so much to do. Well, you know, stuff to make which doesn't look like a lot, but once you start making the stuff, it's a lot of stuff!! I haven't started making my Christmas cards, I am supposed to be making an album for my Brother-in Law of his 50th Birthday, which is his Birthday present from me, which was in August, and this is November!! Then like I don't have enough of my own junk to do, I offered to make his mother an album of his birthday, because she couldn't come to his birthday, cause she lives in Michigan, and she was sick. Whew, are ya still with me?? So as you know, I have been making my 92 year old Great Aunt Nellie, (yes that is her name) my year of tree, and I had October all set, with the Ghosts, till I decided that it was a little lacking of color. The tree is white, and the ghosts are white, so I decided that it needed a "punch" of color, so in the middle of doing my Christmas ornaments, I am now back to October doing some Jack-O-lantern ornaments!! I do like the Jack-o-lantern ones, and I think that it does add that little bit of color that it needed. Oh I forgot about this, last night, my son went to Wendy's to get Frosty's for him and his brother, now i was just about to type on, totally leaving out the fact that I got a Frosty too!! I know, I think that if I don't put down the fact that I also got one, that there would be no calories. I know, you should of seen when i used to do Weight Watchers, at the end of the week, I would be the one with nothing written in my book, the instructor would start off the meeting every week, with " Hello everyone, I again am sad to report that Karen has withered away again this week, after she had a glass of water at 8am on Sunday followed by a cracker on Friday! Anyway, I actually had to read this whole thing, because I had no idea what the heck i was talking about! Anyway, the kid at the drive thru, never gave him my debit card back to him, which he didn't bother, or what he calls "forgot" to tell me! By the time I found out, and checked my balance, this person, (who I thing was the kid who worked the take-out-window) had a great time for himself all day today! He rented 3 movies, went to McDonalds, went to Walmart, caught the 10: 15 showing of Paranormal 3, had a great pizza lunch, and by the amount of the transaction, had lunch with a few friends, got some gas,and a couple of other little things. Clearly not a crafter, because if it were me, I would clear out Joann's, Michael's, and follow it all up with a trip to my LSS. Anyway, I spent the day on the phone talking with Wendy's managers, District managers, Regional managers, ect. and with my Bank going through each transaction, one at a time, but first i had to spend over an hour punching my phone numbers,social security number, account numbers, ect. with a freakin' COMPUTER, only to then repeat all that info to a real person, after the computer!!!! So after the longest day of my life, and I am sad to say that it is only 5:00!!!!! which leads my to the point of this overly huge Random Rant, OMG, I forgot what the point is of this Overly huge Random Rant, OH yes, I remember, I just finished my little penguin ornament for Nellie's tree of the year, that I got the idea while laying in bed at 3:00a.m. this morning, you know those ideas that if you don't get up and write it down, or in this case draw it down, it will keep you up till you go insane!! So here it is for any of you that are still alive after reading this, sorry :( Karen♥
Random Rants,
with kinda A purpose
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Cricut Mini!!
Hey guys, How many of you saw HSN yesterday?? I totally missed that they had a scrapbooking day, which was a bummer, but I did catch the tail end of it, just in time to see the best part, which was that they had the Cricut mini!! First, I did not know that they were having a Scrapbook day, which featured the new Cricut mini, which again, I didn't even know that there was a Cricut mini! Did any of you know about it?? Anyway, it was my birthday yesterday, so I said to myself, on my birthday, self, we need to have this, so of course I bought it! It is so cute, and I think that it weighs only about 5lbs, I think that is what they said, anyway, it was their Today's special and it came with some stuff, and $25.00 to spend in the Cricut Craft Room. I know what you are thinking, "Karen, the Cricut Craft Room is free, why are they giving you $25.00 to spend there?" this is the best part, you can go into the craft room, and for pennies, you can buy a certain die cut, and you can just pick from different cartridges, and buy 1 thing from a cartridge without having to buy the whole cartridge!! I know it is so incredible!! You can also use your regular cartridges, and use the craftroom the regular way!! The best part, is that it is really small and light, to bring to Crops!!! It still cuts like the regular personal Cricut, it cuts, 8-1/2 x 12!! I know, It also comes with things already installed inside! It also cuts everything, and it even cuts felt, which I know that everyone that I have talked to this is the one that will actually do it! The price last night was $129.00, or 4 payments of like $32.00 !! I don't know how much it is now, but they said that it will not be available on Black Friday, and limited places before Xmas, and if you can find it, i think that it will still be under $200.00. It also comes with Xmas ornaments to make installed also, but i think that is only if you buy it from HSN. I can't wait to get it, and try it out. OH OH OH you can also do all the Kerning, and stuff that you can do on your Gypsy!! I am really excited about the size, it will be really portable.
Cricut Mini
Monday, November 14, 2011
Well I made it through the weekend, but....
Hi guys here are some of the ornaments that I am making from old light bulbs. If you haven't seen my Halloween light bulb tree, scroll down. Well I have all of my reindeer done, and 2 snowmen, and 1 Santa. I am trying to decide if there should be more than 1 santa on the tree or not. I would love to hear what you guys have to say. Thanks to all of you guys who make comments, I really do value all of your opinions. Karen
Christmas ornaments
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
I can't ever keep a secret!! (scroll down for the challenge)
Hey guys!! Do you guys remember my Halloween Tree? Well I really plan on it being a all around the year tree!! I am making one for me, and one for my Great Aunt Nellie! (yes, that is her real name) anyway, I also plan on trying to only use old burnt out light bulbs to do it. Well I am working on Christmas right now, and I love these ornaments, They are sooooo cute!! There is Santa, a Snowman, and Rudolph!! I have been trying not to show them till my challenge is over, but I want to show them NOW!! I still have the finishing the little touches, but I really can't control myself!! It wouldn't hurt if I just showed a little peek, would it??? Oh I don't know what to do, I have always been like this. If I buy a present more than 1 week before the occasion, I just give it to the person, and go out and buy another one. I bought my daughter a ring, and we were going to give it to her for her 16th birthday, my parents did the same thing, they bought all of us girls (they had 5 of us) our birthstones for our 16th birthday, so I wanted to do it for my Amanda. Well I was watching QVC one day and they had these beautiful 14carat gold birthstone rings with little diamonds on the side, so I bought it. The problem was, she was 14. Now I told myself over and over that I could wait, when I told Paul, my hubby, he just rolled his eyes at me. I got so mad, and told him how wrong he was, and this time I was going to do it. Well the ring came about 2 weeks later, and it was 3 days that I held out, and gave her the ring! (she loved it though) I also did that when I found out I was pregnant for the first time. I went to the doctor, cause I thought I had a UTI, and they asked me if I was pregnant, and I said not that I know of, after a test, they said "you're pregnant, Congratulations" I was so excited, but I said to myself on the way to my mothers house that I wasn't going to tell her, because I wanted to tell Paul first, I got to my mothers, I pulled in the drive way, went into the house, and said "I'm PREGNANT!!!" then I said "SHOOT" Well, I was going to wait till I saw Paul to tell him, so I am at my mothers, and I say, I am just gonna call Paul, and ask him what time he was coming home, my mother looked at me, and just shook her head, so I said"WHAT" and she said nothing, nothing, so to prove her wrong, I called him, he picked up the phone, and said hello, and I said, "I'M PREGNANT" oh well, I tried. So after writing this, I will be taking pictures and putting them up tomorrow. Next time I will tell you the story about when I found out the 2nd time I was pregnant. Let me just say that I got stopped for speeding on the way home from the doctors, my mother, nor Paul were the first to know, and I didn't get a ticket!! haha Karen♥
Random Rants
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Hello all!!
Hey everyone, I want thank all of you that have given me encouragement in your comments, and I was going to tell you of this great idea that came to me after watching Good Morning America this morning. They were talking about these 2 website's loanables.com and snapgoods.com, they have people that have things that they are renting out to people that need things. Like if you need a ladder but only once a year when you hang Christmas lights, but you don't want to buy one,so you rent it. Anyway I got this brilliant idea that I could rent out my Cricut cartridges to someone who just wants to try one out before they buy it, or just want to make baby favors once so they don't need a baby cartridge for anything else, so they could rent it. Well apparently it "was" a BRILLIANT idea, for about 10 other people that already have been renting them, that I found when I thought to Google it! Anyway, I thought that I would share how Brilliant I almost was!! Karen♥
Random Rants
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pumpkins Into November!!
Hello Everyone!! I just wanted to show you how to decorate with the pumpkins into November till Thanksgiving. The picture of the big pumpkin, I used a plain orange paper, and then I took scraps (YES SCRAPS!!!) You know how us scrappers love to use those scraps!! Anyway I took the scraps and cut out little squares out of different pattern pieces, and glued them on, and then with a black marker, I made little stitches all around the square. I also put my not so perfect last piece of the pumpkin (talked about in the post on Oct. 10th) in the front to show you what it looks like, but I also disguised with a patch, you can still see it, but it helps a little. I got the stands that they are on at Joann's last year, but my Joann's still had the big one, and everything is 60-75% off. Anyway I hope you like!! Karen♥
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