Saturday, January 12, 2013

Beagle Babbies

I just thought that I would share with you what I am doing this weekend!!

Here they are!! I just don't know how I am ever going to give these cuties back!! Karen♥


  1. Awww, that's so cute, Karen. The siblings look so much alike! And they look so happy to be together!

  2. Well you do have your hands filled for sure! They are all adorable looking dogs. My Mom had a beagle at one time, wonderful dog for sure. Sorry I haven't been around lately but we just about lost my daughter Friday night so we have been up at the hospital. She went in for surgery Friday morning and everything looked like it went O.K but a few hour later her blood pressure went down to zero and they were all running around like chicken with there heads cut off, then things settled down again and we no sooner got home and the hospital called and told us to come in ASAP! they have lost her again and were taking her back into surgery. Yes I am a lot grayer and stressed right out, but things look a lot better today and they even had her up walking a bit. She will be coming to our house once she is released since her hubby will be at work. Just stopped to say hi and give you a heads up on my weeks. Take care and talk to you later.

  3. Wahhhh!! Just TOO cute!! We have a beagle as well... and I can't imagine our Nickel in triplicate!! I'm sure they all had a fabulous time together. How fun!!

  4. I have a beagle too and I just love her! These ones are so cute!


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