Saturday, October 22, 2011

Hey Guy's

Well I had the first day of my scrap yard sale today, and it was a great day!! I met some new friends, and saw some friends that I made last year at my sale!! One friend that I made today is Amanda, and her blog is, and a-prata-design on facebook.  She is a designer on, and she does beautiful work, so go and check her out!! That has to be the best thing about having this yearly sale, meeting such fun and talented people!! I didn't forget you guys, I sold a few Cricut Cartridges, and my Expression, but i will be sure to list the cartridges that I have left for any of you that were interested.  I hope you are all having a great weekend, and I will chat with you on Monday!! Karen♥


  1. I love to shop yard sales! I would have loved to have shopped yours!

  2. Don't worry Carri, I am sure to have a TON of stuff left over!! HAHAHA. My new "friend" Amanda(she probably thinks that I am a stalker) showed me a ribbon storage system that she found on someones FB or blog, that the person saw from Martha Stewart, she hung 4' long pieces of gutter on her wall to hold ribbon!! It is genius!! Check it out on my FB Karen Santosusso Driscoll! I can't wait to send that hubby of mine right down to Lowes. I love my ribbon system, but if I want a spool from the middle, I have to take off all the spools before it. I just love this!! Karen♥

  3. Thanks so much for all your support Karen!! (Stalkers are good in my eyes!!!)

  4. Hi all!! I have a couple of cards to show you before I mail them out to my nieces. I will get them up tomorrow! I also am stalking my new Friend Amanda that I told you about on this entry. She has said that she would be happy to come over and give me a hand, and teach me a few things!!! I hope she meant it, because her work is AMAZING!!! I am so happy!! I will let you all know how it goes. I also am getting a list together of some of things that are left over form my sale. I will put that up tomorrow!! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I will talk to you tomorrow. Karen♥


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