Hi All,
I recently got my new products for my kit from Stampin Up. I am still working on my things for the craft fair that I am in at the end of the month. I have managed to take over at least 4 of the rooms in my house. I am not kidding, there are boxes, bags, and everything that goes along with crafting, all over the place. I have been able to figure out my problem, and why I make such a mess when I scrap. I get bored very easily,and I can't just work on one project at a time, so instead of making something, and then cleaning up after, I don't finish that project. Then I take everything out to start the next project, and so on and so on. So, now that I have my new toys, (oh sorry, my new supplies for my new company that I am working for to make money to support my "buisness") (Just in case my hubby reads, they are supplies! lol) supplies, I have yet again started a new project!! I got the best punch!! It is an owl, but you can do so much more with it, as you will soon see!!

For the Christmas owl, I took the punch, and punched out everything in red, and everything in white. I actually punched out a bunch of extra white dots, (the smaller of the 2 sizes on the punch.) I used the red and white (shirts, I don't know what to call it) to do his "clothes" and for the hat, I just freehand cut out the red hat piece, and the extra white dots, and made a hat.
After you punch out another owl, you cut off the feet.
Then you take the paper that you just cut the owl out of, and it should look like the paper below,
and you slide that end back into the punch, and punch a bunch of this "S" like pieces. You actually only need 4 per reindeer.
This is what they look like once you cut them. You then take 2 and glue them to the back of the owl (actually the reindeer) like in the photo below.
After you glue the 2 pieces to the back, you then cut the remaining 2 in half.
After you cut the remaining 2 in half, you glue 1 to each side of the original pieces that you already glued on the back.
Once you do that you can see how your owl now looks like a reindeer!!!
To finish the reindeer, you can use the pieces that are left over from punching out the owl. You just need to punch the extra pieces in white and black, or punch out the white ones and use a marker to color in the eyes.
You can also use those googly eyes, if you like that look better. Then it is time to pick your nose (haha I didn't get that till just now!! Clearly I don't mean literally!! haha) I have used just a red circle, or a brown one, and it makes a difference what kind of nose, and where you place it. Play with it, and see what you like.
The reindeer below, has a pom - pom nose, and the one on the right below, I used red glitter for Rudolf, and basic brown for the other 2.
The next thing that I like to make with this punch, is a penguin. I know, it sounds weird, but he is really sweet, watch:
I told ya, Isn't he sweet!!!
With your Owl punch, punch out Orange, White, and Black.
From the Orange, you will need the feet, and 1 ear.
From the Black, you need to cut off the ears, and also punch out a 3/4" circle, and then cut it in half. I also cut a 1/4" strip out of the middle of the circle to make it skinnier. From the White you need the smaller of the 2 size circles, and the "shirt" piece.
Take the orange feet, and glue them over the black feet. Then take the Orange ear, and trim it up for the beak.
Glue the 2 White circles on either side of the beak.
Color in the White circles however you like for the pupils of the eyes.
You can add little black marks on the beak for definition, with a little white dot on the eyes. I have a few more things that I am working on with this punch which is called the Owl Builder and is product # 118074 With Whisper White paper #100730, Basic Black #121045, Pumpkin Pie #105117 I hope that you found this at least helpful. If you have any questions, Please call me or email me, and I will get back to you as soon as I can!! Karen♥