Wednesday, May 30, 2012

New Blogger Settings

Hey  Guys, I want to start off by asking if anyone is blog friends with  I was trying to come onto my blog, but I had a warning that said that they had a virus, or something, and that I shouldn't go on!! Well I ran my virus scan, and followed  the directions, and I was fine, but what5 a pain!! Then I was over at, to see what Patty had been up to, and she is having is having a "While the Hubby's away Give Away"  and I was trying to put the info and the link up on my blog, but they re-did everything, so I am more confused than I was before!! So Patty I am sorry, but the intent was there!! I also would like to through this in about Facebook.  How many of you have accidentally changed to this new Timeline thing, which is a nightmare!! I hate it, and I just think that they should let all the other idiots like me that don't want it, get rid of it, and go back where we were happy!  To top all of this, I am getting ready for a challenge, so I went to my old emails, because I had a challenge for anyone that could help me get the linky thing on my blog, would win a Cricut cartridge!  Carri over at helped me through it, and earned herself a new cartridge!! Anyway, I know that I either, printed it out, or wrote the instructions down,  and I can't find them anywhere!! It is so frustrating, not at Carri, (of course) but at myself, because I am so stupid, and I also blame me, because I am so computer illiterate!! It takes me forever to learn something on the computer, and then they change it, it is almost like they are all sitting behind  a big wooden desk, with a projector, and those big silver water dispenser, and they are watching video of me, trying to get all this computer stuff down, and they say lets see Karen a nervous break down!! Well, after thinking about it, There would not be a room full of men with grey hair sitting around with filmstrips, it is most likely a bunch of 18 yr old kids, that just skateboarded into the "office" which probably has a vending machine filled with Vitamin Water, and Gatorade, and then they would all take out there I phones, and 10 minutes later, they have totally ruined my life, and then they skateboard into the night, to go home to their amazing beautiful houses.  I can only hope that one of my kids, will someday be one of those kids, so I can have their numbers on speed dial to come and help me, or be rich enough to hire someone to handle every computer issue that I have!! Hope you all had a great weekend!  I will be having a challenge soon, and I have also taken some of the pages from the Anniversary album that I posted before this post, cause the more I looked at it, I didn't like it, so I will post the revisions soon! karen♥


  1. Ha Ha Ha Karen, you crack me up! I can totally picture the kids on skateboards! I am nowhere near 18 and I would probably land in the ICU if I tried to skateboard, but I would be more than happy to help you out anytime. Just let me know what it is you would like to do. Thanks so much for posting about the giveaway and Good Luck!

  2. Hi Karen, I was able to go back to the old blogger, there is a button you just click. I also was so darn confused with the new blogger. I hate the new timeline on Facebook to and wish there was away to go back to the old way. Did you ever figure out the new cameo???? I have started to play with mine more and more and I think I have a new love in my life, she cuts like butter! Take care and have a great week.

  3. Karen you are to funny. Believe me I have also thought about the same thing about who is changing everything so that us older folks that only had typewritters in school can go crazy...LOL.....This last week though I was around a bunch of younger people that were making all kinds of comments on how I creative I was it was very irratating that I told all of them "you know for the age I am I know alot more then you will ever know because you spend all your time on facebook bragging about how I have this and I did that. Get on the computer and learn something. Just type in what you want to learn and it will give you upteen million sites" I shut them all up. Sometimes the computer is irratating but some times it is informative. Hope your day gets better.

  4. Hello Karen! I just emailed you very detailed instructions on how to get the link code up! Let me know if you have any trouble with it!

  5. I LOVE YOU CARRI!!!! Thank you so much!! I am off to my email, where I will SAVE it on my computer, Thanks agaim! karen♥

  6. Are you getting me emails?
    top right log in
    click the inlinkz tab (On left side)
    Click Create a new collection
    type in Collection name ex : Challenge
    type in collection description: have fun!
    set the start date of the challenge
    set the end date of the challenge.

    (everything else is pre-filled in you can make changes if you want but the prefills should work just fine)

    click submit.

    Copy the code N.1

    In your blog post you normally type your posting in Compose, after you type up your posting click on the HTML tab right next to the compose tab. Scroll all the way down to the very last letter and paste the code n.1 in.

    You will not be able to see the link until you hit preview.
    So click the compose tab again, then preview your posting, this will bring up another window that has a preview of your posting which should show your link at the very bottom.

    Let me know how it goes!

    Carri :)

  7. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!! karen♥

  8. Oh and Carri, For some reason, I am not getting your emails, are you getting mine??? let me know, so we can fix this, cause, I want to ship a little something to you for all your help!! karen♥


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