Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Hi Guys!! Sorry I have been MIA, but I have been so sick!! Now I am cranky, because I am sick of being sick! For example of how sick I am, I got my new Cameo last week, and I haven't even opened the box yet!!! Now that is sick! I also have the album that I made for my hubby for our 25th anniversary to post, but I have been sick and haven't taken the pictures yet.  Have I mentioned that I have been sick?? I hope you are all well, because it is no fun being sick!! I know this, because I am sick!! I am also cranky. There's a combo for ya, sick and cranky!! It's like you don't want to be cranky, but you are, probably because you don't want to be sick, and if you don't want to be sick, you are most likely gonna be cranky! I also haven't told you of my weekend at CKU  in Manchester NH. We had such a great time!! We took 3 classes, and I also have those projects to show you also.  Then there was the shopping!! It was awesome!! Just picture opening the doors to Disney World, but it was all scrapbooking, all the time!!  It was like a sensory overload!! You had to walk around like three times, just to kind of grasp what you were looking at! Then that is when you start buying! I actually was very good in the spending dept.  I bought the Crikits, those pens that you use in your Cameo, or Cricut to write or draw. They actually gave my friend Kim and I a great deal, they let us split a package, we each got 1 pack of pens, the holder, and 1 special swirl pen, for $25 ea.  I think that we got one of the holders free, by accident, but we didn't figure it out till we were paying each other back from shopping, we do this thing every time we go, where we just buy things together, then we can't ever find the receipts, and then we go out for drinks, and try to figure everything out, it never works, but it is fun to try!! Speaking of drinks, after our last class of the day, we went to a sports bar for a burger and some adult beverages!!  A burger sound so good right now, but I can't eat one, because I don't know if I told you or not, but I am sick.  Anyway, we were in this little bar, down the street from the hotel, and we were having some drinks, when all of a sudden, these kids started coming in, now by kids I am referring to College kids, I can call them kids, because of my advanced age, anyway, I am not talking about a couple of kids, I am talking about a hundred or so.  Apparently we chose one of the bars that is on the St, Anselm senior pub crawl!!  The kids are all wearing t-shirts with 6 pub names on them, and I guess they start at the beginning, and have drinks at each pub.  According to the hostess, they do this every year with the graduating class, and as luck would have it, we were there on the same night!! Oh and the hostess came over to us, and asked if we wanted to move to a table on the other side where they were trying to protect innocent pub goers from the crowd.  Now I was slightly insulted, that she would just assume that we were not part of the pub crawlers!! I said, "What makes you think that we are not with them?" and she said, " you are absolutely right, I am sorry, I didn't mean that you were not with them, I just thought that you were with the last years class, and I wasn't sure if you wanted to hang around with these young kids that didn't graduate with you!!" and we accepted her apology, and we took pictures of the kids for them, because  clearly they were in the presence of professional scrapbookers, and you can't get better than that to take your pictures!! Well guys, I can tell that I am rambling, and I don't know if I told you but I have been sick, and I am sure that my fever is controlling the rambling, because I have never just rambled on like this before!!  I will be posting my pictures soon, after I get over being sick, because I have been sick, and I haven't taken them yet.  TTYS    karen♥


  1. Lol!!! I am still giggling over your rant :)
    So so so sorry that you are sick! But I didnt realize till the end of your post that you were sick...lol jk...you totally crack me up! On a serious note you must really be sick to have a beautiful unopened cameo sitting at your house..gasp!! I hope you feel better really soon and can not wait to see some pictures!!

  2. You have a new Cameo & haven't even opened it?!! Now that's sick (in more ways than one.) Get well quick.

  3. I'm not sure if you noticed ot nit, but you might just be sick. Better check on that!! Haha!!

    CKC is SO MUCH FUN!! A friend and I went last year and totally loed it. You're right, it is sensory overload. My little scrapbooking hormnes were just going crazy!!

    You and your friend should have had a contest to see who could pick up the most cute college guys! HAHA!!! Just for fun of course!!!

  4. booo sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! I just hate being sick it's the worst! Get lots of rest so you can come back to our crafty world! Love the bar story hehehe! Feel better soon!

  5. Are you sick or something?? Why so cranky what's going on?? LOL! Sick of being Sick, been there! Get well soon! We miss you here is blogland!

  6. Hope you feel better soon!!! I can sympathize with you. When I get sick I am sick for weeks, prob 'cuz I am too stubborn to go to the doctor, and get pretty grouchy too. :)

  7. Speaking of sick!! Are you sick or something, Karen? Gee, I hope you feel better real soon lady. Laughed at your story--another winner! Hey someone is looking for a Hello Kitty cartridge to buy. Do you have one? I saw it at this blog; maybe you can get in touch if you have one. Feel better soon!!--Pat



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