Thursday, March 1, 2012

My Favorite New Toys!!!!

Hey Guys, We are all getting over all of our illnesses around here, and I have been dying to show you my product review of these amazing punches from We R Memory Keepers!! They are HUGE!!! The all cut shapes into any size square paper.  They each have different shapes, and they all have on and off buttons on the top, which can make each different shapes, and they can be interchanged, and used with each other.  I can't even imagine how many different combo's that there can possibly be put together.  I will be doing a video to show you how they all work, and to show you how to use them, but just getting over my stomach bug that my wonderful boy's shared with me this week after getting over the trauma dentist experience, and the sore throat and cold that they shared with me last week, I was just not up to doing a video, so this will have to do for now.  
Here they are!! These are the 4 that I got, and each of them can be used with each other!

This is more of a square, and has the inner, outer, and combo.

The buttons on the top, turn the cutting function on and off, to make each combo.

Here are some sample cuts from 2 of the punches.

This is a bit better of a picture this is using the combo. The inside  and outside of the punch.

This is more of an up close picture of a combo.

This shows the scallop with 1 function on to cut the holes, and the deep purple shows just the scallops.

Just another picture of some of the punches.

You can combine any of these punches with each other, and the combos are endless!

This one shows that you can do an inner cut, outer cut, or a combo

 This is the circular punch, you can cut a plain circle, one with scallops, or the outline in a square piece of cardstock.

I can't wait to make a video to show you all the amazing things that just 1 of these punches do. Wait till you see what happens when you mix punches, colors, and sizes of paper!! It is amazing!  I think that you all will be as amazed as I was, and I hope to get the video out this week.  Thanks for stopping by, and letting me share my new found product to share with you!! Karen♥


  1. Hey Karen good to see everyone is feeling better!! We have missed you. We are not going to Manchester this year. So much going on with the kids, we can't justify it. Maybe next year.

    I am soooo checking these out they are awesome! Thanks so much for showing them to us, I have never seen them!!


  2. hope everyone is better. i love these punchies i think i saw them on tv but wasn't able toorder them at that time. where did you find them really love them?

  3. Thanks for sharing this. It's great to see actual people using these new tools. I love them. Sending healthy thoughts your way too.

  4. I am sooo jealous. I've been dying to get my hands on the Crazy 8 punches (I think that's what they're called)ever since I saw them previewed around CHA time. Can't wait to see your video. You survived the dentist I see. Was it as bad as you thought it would be?

  5. Wow, those punches look fab! Love the cuts they make, very pretty. I'll look for your video!--Pat N.

  6. OMG!! fantastic tools and the results are fabulous!! I can't wait to see a project with those awesome tools:) I love the scallop and just might have to get one:) Can I get them at Michael's and how much are they Karen? Glad to hear everyone is doing better and thanks for stopping by!

  7. Wow these are great I wanted them when HSN had them last month but I was in a "No Shopping Challenge" for the month of February so I passed them up!!

  8. I want one!! These look like fun Karen!!

  9. These are awesome!!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog the other day and leaving me such a nice comment. Sometimes you need one of those craft pick me ups so thank you so much! I don't really know much about etsy, but I would love to learn more on how it works... if you have any tips that you don't mind sharing I would appreciate it! my email is lisascreativeniche at Thank you again, and hope you are feeling well soon!

  10. Fabulous - I really want them too, you lucky lady.


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