Friday, October 19, 2012

Sophia Grace and Rosie and Velma at

I don;t know if you all have heard of them, but I can't imagine that you haven't, but Sophia Grace, and her cousin Rosie, are the most adorable little girls from England, who love to sing and dance.  It all began when Sophia Grace's parents put a video on You Tube of them singing, well actually it was Sophia Grace singing, and Rosie kind of mouthing the words and swaying next to her.  I don't think that their parents realized what they had begun by placing that video on You Tube, because what it started was a Firestorm!!!! They have millions of hits on all of their videos, they have been on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, they have met and sung with Nicky Menage, Justin Bieber, Taylor Swift,Lady Antebellum,Alicia Keys,Katy Perry, and Adelle just to name a few!! I know that you are all wondering , "Karen, What they heck does this have to do with scrap booking?" well my friends, I was kinda having a sad day, I have been down in the dumps, and I came across some of their videos, and they just made my laugh so hard!!! They have a re-occurring role on Ellen, they sing beautifully, interview the stars with the grace of a seasoned professional, and the sing like angels. Oh I almost forgot, they only wear tutu's mostly pink ones!!  One of my followers Velma, at was having a tough few weeks, so I just wanted to let her know that if she felt like just having a laugh that will probably turn back into a tear or two, just google them on You Tube, and just give yourself permission to giggle! If you all have a minute, stop by Velma's blog, and just say hi! sometimes, that is all we need!    karen♥



  1. Karen thank you so very much for thinking about me and yes your right sometimes all we need is a laugh. It is ok that you wrote about me. By the way I recently changed my blog name hoping to be a bit more professional. The funny thing is with all that has been happening in my life my blog has been sitting on the back bunner as well as my shop. I'm now known as Paper Sewn Visions. Hugs, Velma

    1. Hey Velma, I did know that you changed your name, but I didn't want to confuse anyone who was going to visit your blog from here, cause you blog address is the snowflakedreams, that is why I left it. I do like the new name though!!karen♥

    2. Hey Velma, I did know that you changed your name, but I didn't want to confuse anyone who was going to visit your blog from here, cause you blog address is the snowflakedreams, that is why I left it. I do like the new name though!!karen♥

  2. OM goodness!!! i love them!! they are so cute and adorable. =) I was watching Ellen today and they were on... talking about becoming mermaids?!?! LOL...
    They definitely will give a good giggle!


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