Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Kitchen Update

Hey Guys,
I thought that I would update you on the progress of the Kitchen, as you can see things look much worse than they did before the new counter tops.  I decided that since the kitchen was a mess anyway, I thought that it would be a good idea to empty and wash and clean out all the drawers, and cabinets.  Well, you know that saying, look what thought did, this is absolutely a case of that.  You can not even imagine how dirty the cabinets, and drawers get under all your things, so it is taking me 10 times longer than anticipated!!! I have a box for expired can goods, a box for donation, a box for trash, and a box for yard sale.  I think that I am going to try and have a regular yard sale, on the same day as my scrap booking yard sale.  Now I know that it sounds like a BIG mistake, but if I get my hubby, and kids to help outside with the regular yard sale, and I do the scrap booking one inside, it might just work. notice the word MIGHT!!!   So back to the kitchen, we were in Lowes picking up something or other, and we have been kind of looking for a new fridge.  I mean kind of, because there is really nothing wrong with our old fridge, but I really wanted a stainless steel one.  So our contractor told us that there were some marked down at the other Lowes the next town over, so we went to look. There was really nothing there, so we just were looking at the new ones, just to see what we were looking at for prices, and we came across one that was my "dream" fridge, it has the 2 drawers, and it was beautiful, but it is WAY out of our price range, but this one was marked way down, by like $1500.00.  So we thought we would just ask for the heck of it, and the guy said that they had just put it out yesterday, because they got it, but they really didn't carry that model, so they just marked it down to get rid of it.  Then he said that if we bought it today, he would let us use the 10% off that they were offering for all the new appliances, but it wasn't supposed to be used on discounted items.  So I got the dream fridge for the price of a basic fridge!!!!  I am now, cleaning clearing,separating,throwing,donating,organizing,re-organizing,stacking,swapping, and every other "ing" that you can think of.  Our contractor can't come back till after the holidays to finish up installing new hardwood in the family room, kitchen, bathroom, diningroom, and living room.  He is also replacing some doors, putting beadboard around the island, and a few other things here and there.  It feels like it is gonna take forever, but maybe when it is done, I just might like this house, after living here for 15 years, that just might be a good thing!! So here is a couple of pictures of where I am today, and I will keep you all updated!  Maybe when I get this all put together, I just might be able to craft a little, and get Christmas gifts started!! karen♥

This is my new fridge, isn't she pretty???


  1. WoW Karen! Your fridge is super shiney! Love your kitchen remodel! Doesn't it feel great to reorganize!

  2. Oh, I do like your new fridge, Karen! Looks great. You've got quite a job ahead of you, lady! You made me laugh out loud reading this post. My father used to say that expression, "you know what thought did." For the longest time, I didn't get it; guess I was too young. But I certainly know what it means now. Love reading your posts! Take care!


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