Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hey Guys!

Hi everyone, I know that I said that I would be back right after Christmas, but I have to confess, I lied, :( I have no excuse other than my Daughter Amanda, left for New Orleans to do some service work with the YMCA class that she has been involved in since she was in the 5th grade. Now that she is a junior in college, she is president of the club at her college, and she will be working with the youth from the YMCA when she graduates next year!! I am so proud of her, I just can't even explain!! Anyway, she came back on Sunday, and we have been catching up, she goes back to college next week, and we have been doing the mom and daughter things, that I want to take full advantage of while I can.  We have been making cookies, watching movies till all hours of the night, having sleep overs in the living room, having junk food, and just having fun!! I am so sorry, and as soon as she goes back to school next week, I will be back, I promise!!!! We will even do a fun contest with a Cricut Cart for a prize!! I miss you all, and I will make it up to you!! Karen ♥


  1. Welcome back, I think, lol!! Sounds like you have been enjoying your daughter, good for you. Time goes by sooo fast, enjoy it while you can. You must be so proud of your daughter.

    Looking forward to seeing your projects this year!!


  2. Ready for you to come back, but wouldn't take one second away from you and your special Mother/Daughter time. Enjoy it and we'll see you soon!

  3. Family first! looking forward to your return!

  4. Sounds like you've been having a great time with your daughter and you certainly can't pass up those precious moments. Have more fun and we'll see you next week, Karen!--Pat N.

  5. Hey Guys, Thanks so much!! I knew that if anyone would understand, it would be you guys!!! I am enjoying every second with my daughter. She leaves in just a few days, and I am trying to steal every free second that I can with her!! I promise that I will be back all mentally recharged for the year, and I have tons of ideas for the up-coming year, and I hope you all do also. I would love to hear your thoughts, and what you are interested in seeing, doing, and sharing!!! I can't wait!!! I will see you next week, Love you all, Karen♥

  6. Looking forward to seeing your new projects. Come and check out my give away.

  7. Hi Karen Im happy you back and with good new. Congrats to your daughter. And enjoy your time together Blessing AJ!


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