Thursday, December 29, 2011

Miss You All------ Happy New Year!!!!

Hi Everyone!! I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and Happy Hanukkah, and I hope you all have a Happy and blessed New Year!! I have been busy with all the holidays, my sister and brother-in-law are up visiting with my 3 nieces from VA!! I never get to see them, so I am spending as much time as possible with them.  They will be leaving some time this weekend, and I will be so sad to see them go.  My nieces are 5, 4 and almost 3, it has been so much fun to have them here for Santa and all that good stuff that you don't realize that you miss as your kids get older.  Anyway, I will be back after Wednesday, when my hubby goes back to work! So I hope you all have a Happy new year, and I can't wait to hear all about your holidays!!!
Happy New Year,


  1. Hi Karen, oh that sounds like so much fun having your sister and BIL visit with their little girls! How sweet and probably so much fun. What great ages! That's the best time, I thought, when my daughter was little. Once the kids are grown, Christmas is different, you're right. We had a nice Christmas Eve when my family visited--my brother and his kids; and my sister and BIL. It was a nice day. Hope you have a very Happy New Year with your family, Karen!--Pat N.

  2. Happy New Year Karen!

  3. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Sounds like you are having a great time!!!



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