Sunday, July 29, 2012

My Scrap Haul from my credit at my LSS!!

Hi guys! I have missed you all so much! I promise to get back to crafting, as soon as I can, but in the mean time, I wanted to share with you all, what I did with the credit that I got from doing the scrap sale that I did at my LSS! I had so much fun buying, and it always feels better when you get to the cash register, and you don't have to pay! So I will be back soon, It has been so hot here, and to have the air conditioners are the kind that you put in the windows, so for them to work god, we have to close off my craft room door, which makes it so hot in there, so I can't work. I hope I will be crafting again real soon! I hope you all like my new stuff ! I miss you all, karen♥


  1. Looking awesome!!! Can not wait to see what you start creating with that copic airbrush set! Wow!! Lots of yummy goodies you got!
    Have a GREAT Sunday and hope to see you back here soon!!!

  2. Looks like a pretty good haul! and yes free is always good my friend. Hope to see you back soon. Take care and have a great week.

  3. Nice haul! Now get busy scrapping and crafting!! Hope all is well.


  4. Looks like some fun stuff to get busy with! I don't blame you about the AC.. MAN, i can't stand this humidity! It makes me not want to craft too!


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