Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey All, My Blog is working again!!!!

Hi Everyone!! My computer has been broken, and then when I got it back, the new post button was gone from my blog.  I have been lost without you all!! I tried logging on with a different browser, and this seems to have fixed the problem, unless this doesn't post, and then I will be talking to myself.  Actually technically I am talking to myself anyway.   It is not as if I am actually talking to anyone, but imagine if blogs were live, and we could all chat together, all day, and we can neglect our children, housework, paying bills ect. I guess that might be a little overboard, but it would be fun.  I would like to catch you all up on blog news, and the winner of the blog candy (Give a Hoot Cricut Cartridge)  I apologize for the wait, bit the winner is Sue from CT.  I have left her a message on her blog, but CONGRATULATION'S Sue, and as soon as you email me your address, I will ship it out to you asap!!!! I have a couple of videos to put up on my blog, and now that it works, that might work out.  So Congrats again to Sue!!


  1. Hooray Sue! Welcome back! Boy did you miss a lot...just kidding! but...I finally got my own blog started and on July 1st I am going to be giving away a Mickey and Friends Cartridge to a lucky follower. So glad that you are back, can't wait to see your videos!

  2. Great to have you back Karen! congrats to lucky Sue :)

  3. Hi Karen! Glad to hear from you; watched your video on the ribbon flowers-they're beautiful. I think I might have to try that.--Pat N.

  4. Me again. I didn't want to say anything on the other post comment about where the heck you've been, but now that I know everything is OK & I know where you've been I'll just say glad you're back-again! How was the cruise?

  5. Hurray! Glad you are back. The great thing I love about blgoger, we can all hang out together in tracksuits and ugg boots whenever we like!

  6. Glad your back, I hope you got my email with my address. I got my computer back and hooked it up on Sat. only to find out it has to go back. I am waiting for them to open so I can call them. They didn't hook up any of my drives to the power. I don't know if I have to leave it again over night but I sure hope not. What a pain. Thanks all for the congrats.


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