Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Today I am writing for all of us poor mothers that have a child coming home for the summer from college.  Don't  get me wrong, I have been waiting for this since Easter!  However, while I was waiting for my daughter, Mandy  to come from school, I have been chatting on the phone with her about what we will be doing this summer together, what movies we will watch, what good books we will read, and the ever popular diet we will once again start as soon as we eat everything that we won't be eating while we are on our diet, the Chinese food, Ice Cream, Chocolate, French Fries, ect.  All the phone calls that we have been making texting that we have been doing, about how I can't wait for her to come home to even out the Testosterone levels in the house, how she left me with the "boys" my husband, sons Kevin, and Jason.  The gross jokes, that only boys seem to understand,  the shaking of my walls from my son Kevin, blasting that god awful music, that he raises the bass so high that my potatoes that I was cooking the other night for dinner, mashed themselves. The walls that shake so violently that the pictures fly off the walls, ect.  What I forgot about while I was having these wonderful chats with my daughter, that were full of sunshine and roses, was all the crap that would be following her home. The posters, the bags and bags, and bags of stuff that she somehow was able to accumulate in just 8 months!! I mean how did I forget that??  What we managed to take to school in one car has taken 2 cars to come home!!  Let's not forget that once it comes home, we have to find somewhere to put it, and when I say we, I mean me! She has no problem just dropping it where it lands.  Actually, it doesn't even have to land anywhere, one of the cars is still filled with junk, she felt it only necessary to unload the car just enough to see out the back window!  I mean why take it out of the car if you can still fit a friend or two, it is all a matter of need, and want.  She doesn't NEED what is in the car, and I WANT it out!  Although, that then brings up the problem of where will all this junk go?  I mean, where will we put it all?  There is only so much space in my house.  The amount of stuff that she brought home, is actually going to require an addition to our home! We just don't have the square footage to hold all this junk, and it isn't just a matter of finding somewhere to keep it till August when she goes back to school, because all that junk, or as she calls it "Amazing college memories, that will last a lifetime, and she will treasure forever!"  FOREVER! she says, well ladies, I can't handle forever.  Forever is a very, very, long time, and forever times 4 years, multiplied by 2 more kids and 4 years for each of them, is, is, well I don't know what it is, but hopefully that will be something that she will learn when she goes back to school! If I get nothing else out of all of these treasured memories, I get my baby girl home for 3 more months, before she will be off, back to school to make all of those new treasured memories, and I will have her for the next 3 months to make our own!! Have a Wonderful Mothers Day!! Karen♥


  1. Hi Karen, it's amazing how fast things do accumalate(oops) and you are so right now to find a place for it:) I can't wait to hear all the exciting things you and your daughter will be doing! I hope you had wonderful Mothers Day!!

  2. You are too funny Karen! Sadly this is so true My daughter graduated from College 14 (WOW) years ago A and I still have stuff of hers in little out of the way places. Lucky for me I only had one child to contend with. Thanks for the walk down memory lane and a good laugh!

  3. Thanks Norma, I can't wait either!! I hope yours was well also!! Kaewn♥

  4. Hi Karen! I have an award for you at my blog…please come and get it at :)

  5. Thanks So much Gina, I will be right there, Thank you so Gina!!! Karen♥


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