Monday, February 14, 2011

Karens 1st Challenge is still going on!!

Hi Guys, I just wanted to let you guys know that the CELEBRATION Challenge is still going on!  I dont know how to keep someyjong up on the top of the blog, so you have to scroll down to olderposts to leave the link to your project, Sorry if it is a pain, but with 2 awesome prizes, it will be worth it!!( well I guess it will be worth it id you win, if you don't it will still probably still be a pain!) sorry, but Let's look on the bright side you have 2 chances to win! So scrolling down a little is not that much work, is it?  Well if it is worth it to you, and it is not that much work, I would love to have you join us!! So go read the rules, and get those entries in by the 20th at midnight!!! Have a good night, Karen<3


  1. Happy Valentine's Day!! Thank you for stopping by the blog hop this weekend and your lovely comment!!

  2. Hi Karen,

    I thought I would pass this info along bc it took me a while to figure out.. If you edit the post that you want to remain on top hit post options toward the bottom left and change the post date to a day into the future it will remain on top! Then when you are ready to push it down just change the date to before!
    Hope this helps!
    Carri :)

  3. Good morning Karen. I was browsing around when I stumbled upon your blog. Love it and am totally in love with the undo! I never seen that before, and have always wished there was something out there like this. Can't wait to buy it:)!! I am your newest follower. Hope you will come visit me sometime.!



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